Getting Out of Your Kids' Faces and Into Their Hearts
GETTING OUT OF YOUR KIDS’ FACES AND INTO THEIR HEARTS: Become the Warm, Loving Parent You’ve Always Wanted to Be
Valerie Bell
Being a parent doesn’t have to be so hard.
Relationally-attached children need less discipline. They tend to have more buy-in to their parents' values. You need to get you some of these in your home! This book looks at ways to build attachment that results in children who play on their parents' team. Parents who build strong attachment with strong boundaries can enjoy strong families. Children win! Parents win!
You can enjoy your kids more, relax around them and love them better, is the fresh message Valerie Bell has for parents feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising children. Finally, this is a book that is not about how to manage, train and discipline your children, but about how to have a relationship with them. Become the warm nurturing parent you children need.
Softcover Retail $10.95